Stop Waiting For Passion

At a Tedx talk Terri Trespicio, stated, "There is a dangerously limiting idea at the heart of everything we believe about success and life in general. It's that you have one singular passion and your job is to find it and to pursue it to the exclusion of all else. And if you do that everything will fall into place, and if you don't you failed."

Passion is Not a Plan- It's a Feeling

Some of us are afraid to take a job because we think we'll get stuck in a position that will steer us away from our passion. Trespicio's mother told her, "You don't create your life first then live it. You create it by living it- not agonizing about it.” 

Don't miss opportunities waiting for passion

Trespicio goes on to say, “Passion is not a job, a sport, or a hobby. It is the full force of your attention and energy that you give to whatever is in front of you. If you're so busy looking for this passion you could miss opportunities that change your life.”


Artist Development with the Sapphires